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FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP with unified IPv4 and IPv6 functionalities and multi-interface support now generally available

We are excited to release FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP v4.0.0 with unified IPv4 and IPv6 functionalities and multi-interface support as generally available. Developers can now use the FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP library for IPv6-based embedded applications, design applications that use multiple network interfaces, and choose combinations of IPv6, IPv4, TCP, and UDP within the same library to optimize for memory footprint.

FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP has been checked for memory safety with the C Bounded Model Checker (CBMC) automated reasoning tool, which is intended to help mitigate code security issues such as buffer overflow. In addition, FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP has been penetration tested and has undergone certain code quality checks including MISRA-C compliance and Coverity static analysis, which are intended to help improve code safety, portability, and reliability in embedded systems (see LTS Code Quality Checklist). To learn more and get started, refer to the FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP library introduction page on, the demo, or the code on GitHub.

About the author

Tanmoy Sen is a Senior Product Manager at Amazon Web Services where he focuses on helping customers and embedded developers connect microcontroller-based devices to the cloud.
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